The Tech Quest 2024, conducted by the enthusiastic students of Class XI, was a dynamic two-day event that showcased the limitless possibilities of technology.
The workshop offered participants a deep dive into the future of innovation by covering diverse topics such as Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, Game Development, Robotics, Quantum Computing, AR & VR, Sustainable Development, Cyber Security & Hacking, Data Science & Tech Savvy. The presentations by the students of Class XI were a remarkable display of creativity, technical expertise, and innovation. Each topic, from Artificial Intelligence to Quantum Computing and Game Development, was brought to life with engaging visuals, in-depth research, and practical insights.
Workshop Highlights:
Web Development: Crafting stunning websites.
Data Science: Visualising data and demonstrating in real-world applications
Artificial Intelligence: Creation of AI-driven news articles & videos
Game Development: Creating engaging virtual experiences.
Robotics: Bringing innovation to life through a functional Robot.
Quantum Computing: Unlocking the mysteries of the quantum realm.
AR & VR: Redefining reality with immersive technologies.
Sustainable Development: Using tech to shape a greener planet.
Cyber Security & Hacking: Staying ahead in the digital defence game.
Tech Savvy Tips: Mastering the tools of tomorrow & custom-built app
Each session was meticulously planned and presented, culminating in an engaging voting session. Students chose the best presentation, celebrating creativity, collaboration, and technical prowess. The workshop was a testament to the students’ passion for technology and their vision for a smarter, safer, and more sustainable tomorrow.